Garden of Seasons
marble, two-channel video
86.6 × 51.2 × 33.5 in., 00:32:34

My Athena sculpture combines traditional features with gestures of the Spring Goddess and Venus. This piece was inspired by an invitation to an exhibition to show my previous work by a non-profit art organization, aimed at discussing the role of marble sculptures as art and commodities in globalization, and their fading connection to creators. The exhibition sparked local debates, leading to a city council decision, show was canceled. The controversy revolved around whether a non-traditional aesthetic sculpture could be displayed alongside the local Athena landmark, despite sharing origins. Meanwhile, a local museum supportive of the concept invited me to respond artistically. I discovered the local ‘Athena’ was actually Venus and had never been in the city. My final work includes a two-meter marble Athena and a video weaving the statue’s production and journey with global discussions on artistic freedom. Additionally, I presented a map detailing each sculpture’s story in this narrative.

View the exhibition page on Vincent Price Art Museum’s website